Paypal CISO Michael Barrett to Keynote Voice Biometrics Conference San Francisco

MichaelBarrett_photoPaypal Chief Information Security Officer Michael Barrett will be the opening keynote for the upcoming Voice Biometrics Conference in San Francisco (May 8-9, 2013). One of the most respected security industry executives and well-known for his ground-breaking work in identity management, Barrett is responsible for ensuring the security of PayPal’s 113 million users worldwide.

Before joining Paypal in 2006, Barrett worked at American Express where he helped define and develop the company’s information security and Interent technology strategy.

Barrett is also the current president for the FIDO Alliance — a consortium of e-commerce technology and service providers promoting a standards-based, open protocol for online authentication. The alliance, which includes founding member organizations Agnitio, Infineon Technologies, Lenovo, Nok Nok Labs, PayPal, and Validity, seeks to change the nature of authentication and allow users to swap out passwords for new technologies including voice biometrics.

VBC San Francisco will convene industry thought leaders and showcase how voice authentication technologies prevent phone-based fraud and unlock intriguing opportunities for mobile and electronic devices. Click here to view the conference program.

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