Empirix Launches Testing Services for Voiceprint Enrollment and Speaker Authentication

Empirix is formally offering a new flavor of its Empirix Testing as a Service (ETaaS) designed specifically to facilitate early detection and remediation of technical speedbumps that could interfere with enrollment of voiceprints or later voice-based authentication activities. By offering the service, Empirix recognizes that a growing number of companies recognize the need to offer the levels of security and convenience that voice-based authentication makes possible for phone-based commerce.

Devising testing protocols and pursuing quality assurance programs reduces the risks associated with adding a layer of voice-based authentication to phone-based customer care activities Emprix’s product suite includes:

To evaluate applications using voice prints, Empirix tests both authorized and non-authorized user scenarios with a set of service features that include:

¤ Needs assessment and test design
¤ Voice file creation and analysis
¤ Automated, predictable and repeatable test scripts
¤ Media and voice quality analysis
¤ Baseline, soak, load and stress test execution
¤ Reports detailing issues for rapid correction

Specific services combine professional services for desig and development of test plans, as well as deployment of Empirix’s Hammer Test technology.

The offer of testing as a service provides the levels of flexibility that are required as the demand for voice-based authentication crescendos.

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