Tropo is AGItating today! Cloud Access to Asterisk

The folks at Voxeo Labs are at it again. As VP Jason Goecke reports here, the company is making it very easy for phone app developers to use the Tropo platform to build new apps that treat Asterisk as a service (Aas) or, more in the spirit of RC (Recombinant Communications) use a Tropo Scripting application to turn Tropo into a giant Asterisk application platform.

As Jason explains, “You can now run just about any Asterisk AGI application on Tropo.”

I like the name: “Tropo AGItate”. It refers to merger of Tropo with the Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI). It is a key enabler for existing Tropo users to incorporate the multi-channel (voice, SMS, IM) aspects of Tropo with several instantiations of Asterisk. Have fun!

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