News Analysis: Blueworx, the New Name for WebSphere Voice Response

Blueworx_report_smallWaterfield Technologies, a U.S.-based system integrator specializing in customer care technology solutions, has acquired the WebSphere Voice Response (WVR) product line and operations. Its newly formed subsidiary, Blueworx (, now employs the long-standing technical staff and support engineers to ensure timely delivery of product updates and features as well as the high-levels of uptime (99.999%) availability on its most popular configuration to which current customers have grown accustomed.

Blueworx will continue to deliver the feature packs and upgrades for the entire voice response (VR) and unified messaging (UM) functions. In addition, Blueworx offers current customers and prospects the option to deploy WVR on traditional Linux platforms (in addition to AIX) and for flexible, cloud-based consumption models.

To read the full news analysis by Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, click here

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