Now that we’re well into the second year of Scobleizer’s affiliation with the Web hoster, the time is ripe for RackSpace to take a giant step to differentiate itself from a formidable pack of competitors that includes Amazon Web Services, VMWare, Microsoft’s Azure and Google.
Web Services
Programmable Web Shows How NYTimes Uses API’s
It may be a bit too “Inside Baseball”, but I can’t resist pointing to this post by Adam DuVander from Alcatel-Lucent’s latest acquisition, Programmable Web.
Google Lab’s “App Inventor” is Unvarnished RC
Over on, Greg Sterling provides great background and commentary regarding anew service from Google Labs called “App Inventor”.
Orange Takes new Tack on Identity Management
Amid all the subterfuge surrounding Facebook’s fast-and-loose attitude toward privacy protection, it was nice to see someone taking a simplistic tack on one of the more vexing problem: helping individuals manage multiple IDs and sign-ons for Web services.
Peace on Earth: Amazon and Microsoft to Share Patents
Microsoft reveals that is paying an undisclosed sum and entering an agreement by which each company provides “access to the other’s patent portfolio” which “covers a broad range of products and technology, including coverage for Amazon’s popular e-reading device, Kindle™”.
New iPhone App Leverages HTML5 Rather Than “Going Native”
NextStop leverages HTML5 and mobile Safari, rather than the ‘native iPhone’ application environment to deliver new mobile service.