
Open Mobile Summit 2009

Internet2Go, a unit of Opus Research specializing in the mobile Internet, is proud to sponsor and speak at the upcoming Open Mobile Summit, being held November 4-5 in San Francisco. I2G program director Greg Sterling will be leading an executive… Read More ›

Growth Scenarios for Google Voice

Google is poised to broaden the reach of its Google Voice service beyond the original GrandCentral subscriber base. With 1 million phone numbers in reserve with Level 3, it’s time to take stock of Google’s options as a Web-based, virtual voice network operator.

IBM Labs Boosting “The Spoken Web”

This article in the Economist magazine, entitled, “A Web of Sound: Talk About That”, reminded me that the legend of using VoiceXML to speech-enable the World Wide Web is alive, well and targeting the greater good by making Web sites more accessible to the illiterate. The article’s author credits Guruduth Banavar, the director of IBM’s India Research Laboratory, with undertaking a project to make it easier to develop so called “voice sites” which enable callers to navigate the Web and retrieve personal information.