Recent Posts - page 175

  • A Directory Delayed is a Directory Denied

    Well-meaning regulators have robbed wireless subscribers who may want to have their numbers available through 411 operators (or alternatives) the option for a free listing that is under their control.

  • Microsoft Speech Technologies: An Opus Research Impact Assessment

    By 2008, Microsoft could claim as much as 20% of the ASR ports shipped worldwide. To do so, it must make the Microsoft Speech Server (MSS) a fit for both large and small enterprises to extend the self-service logic of existing Web services over the telephone.

  • CAT ScanVII: 2005: Yet Another Year of Intelligent Migration

    Opus Research is a long-standing and unrepentant booster of speech-enablement. We stand for judicious use of advanced speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech conversion (TTS) and all the attendant hardware, software, professional services and tooling (soaking up something on the order of $28 billion in 2005) directed at a single goal. That is to take existing self-service infrastructure – on a Web site, in front of a corporate directory ‘autoattendant’, baked into a contact center or hosted environment – and “make it talk.”

  • VoIP+Speech Amping Up

    Recent announcements by IBM and Nortal show that as VoIP adoption in enterprises accelerates, the marriage of VoIP and automated speech is increasingly prevalent.

  • ISx Win at QSent for Wireless 411

    Wireless 411 database searches will be executed on an ISx FlexiQ platform, now that Qsent has announced its vendor selection. The win is both commercially and strategically important for ISx.

  • xHMI: Smoothing Conversational Speech’s Speedbumps

    What XML (eXtensible Markup Language) has done for Web services, xHMI (eXtensible Human Machine Interface) carries into the domain of multi-channel interactivity. Its mission is to allow developers, IT professionals and internal staff to use familiar tools for application development, design, testing and deployment.

  • Integrated Development Environments: Pure-plays Rock the Boat

    Multichannel, conversational access to self-service resources favors standards-based service creation tools that provide well-behaved Java components that augment existing native application servers and Web servers. This holds true for both the enterprise and service provider markets.

  • CAT ScanVI: CAT’s Future is in the Hands of IT Policy Makers [and they don’t even know it]

    Several seemingly unrelated product introductions and refinements herald the next generation of Conversational Access Technologies (CAT). They also spell a challenge to enterprise IT personnel responsible for assimilating new technologies as systems become unmistakably more conversational. The message is “Be prepared.” In this case, it means an ounce of policy [regarding such things as the installation and use of IM-clients] is worth hours of technical support or even disaster recovery in the future.

  • CAT ScanV: Mergers Trigger Need for Network Identity Strategy

    Cingular’s US $41 billion acquisition of AT&T Wireless is a done deal. Judging by the opinion of the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ), which gave its go-ahead on Monday Oct 15, having two huge behemoths atop the wireless service provider stack is a good thing for competition. The Federal Communications Commission followed suit in approving the merger the following day. As a result of their rulings the new Cingular will have to divest itself of operations in 16 markets in eleven swing states, and will have to forego bidding in the next wireless spectrum auction.

  • Microsoft Speech Server win at lottery giant GTECH

    >>Microsoft Speech Server win at lottery giant GTECH >>October 7, 2004 Proofpoints are available to registered users only. Please click here to login.