Recent Posts - page 167

  • Call Center Magazine – December 7, 2006

    Excerpt: “CTI capabilities play a critical role in improving the overall caller experience by routing calls to the most suitable contact center agents and delivering key customer information to those agents in a timely way,” said Dan Miller, Senior Analyst… Read More ›

  • Speech Technology Magazine – November 29, 2006

    From Speech Technology Magazine, “Opus Revisits Voice ASP Best Practices”: In response to the growing popularity of the ASP model, Opus Research recently released its report, “Voice ASP Best Practices, Edition 2.0.” The report aims to help companies improve their… Read More ›

  • Looming FFIEC Deadline Sparks Interest in Voice Biometrics

    December 31, 2006 marks the deadline for compliance to guidelines established by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) for authenticating users of online banking services. While the guidelines focus on Internet-based commerce, banks must offer consistency and ease-of-use across multiple media. Voice biometrics has a major role to play as an authentication factor for multiple touch points.

  • Voice ASP Best Practices, Edition 2.0

    Research findings based on a series of executive interviews coupled with a thorough literature review to identify “best practices” exhibited among providers of hosted or managed automated speech processing. Opus Research identifies what’s working now regarding real-world implementations focusing on the Five ‘Ps’ common to business analysis: Pricing, Promotion, Product, Partnerships and Personnel. In this report, we highlight techniques which correlate both with business success and customer satisfaction.

  • RSA Adapts Vocent Product Line

    RSA Security’s Adaptive Authentication for Phone furthers voice authentication’s foray into high-volume, customer-facing deployments. It makes good on RSA’s promise to incorporate Vocent’s framework (acquired via the PassMark Security acquisition) and Nuance’s biometric engine into its core offerings. Timing is driven, at least in the U.S., by a regulatory mandate for “two-factor” authentication. Demand “pull” is expected to follow.

  • Conversations on Mobile Search

    In a vaudevillian display of man versus machine at last week’s Conversations customer and partner event in Orlando, Florida, Nuance effectively demonstrated speech recognition as the most efficient and “intuitive” interface for wireless phones. By outpacing the world’s fastest text messenger, Nuance showcased the potential in speech-enabled mobile search [SEMS] – a critical competitive battleground that includes the Internet heavyweights (Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, AOL) and represents the next “disruptive” opportunity. With billions at stake, there are opportunities for first movers to differentiate and adopt go-to-market strategies with voice as the interface or a key component of a mobile-search offering.

  • CRM 2.0: Conversational Relationship Management

    Outsourcers of phone-based customer care are not selling technology; they’re selling results. It is called “conversational relationship management” and maintains a connection between a company and its customers for purposes such as sales, retention, up-selling or trouble resolution.

  • On the Road to Speech-Enabled Mobile Search (SEMS)

    Tellme Networks’ expanded role with Cingular and Call Genie’s partnerships with Verizon, Telus, Rogers and Yellow Pages Group create fertile beds for product definition, technology refinement market conditioning and, most importantly, business plan development. These market leaders show that there are many paths towards building sustainable business models on Speech-Enabled Mobile Search (SEMS).

  • SearchEngineWatch – October 10, 2006

    Excerpt: “Like other traditional local media, directory assistance (if I can use the term “media”) is under pressure. According to Opus Research, worldwide DA revenues (wireless and wireline) are roughly $13 billion.” From the article, “Will Voice-Enabled Mobile Search Kill… Read More ›

  • Call Center Magazine – October 1, 2006

    Excerpt: “In his summary of the situation, Opus Research senior analyst Dan Miller wrote: “Implicit in English’s recommendations is the idea that reaching a live agent is the solution to caller’s lack of empowerment and overarching frustration.” Miller thinks that… Read More ›