Recent Posts - page 164

  • IBM Boosts Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption

    Last week at Impact 2007 in Orlando, IBM assembled about 4,000 enterprise customers, prospects or practitioners of service oriented architecture-based software implementations. In comparison, just three years ago at IBM’s first SOA-oriented get-together in San Francisco, some 200+ attendees attended. The ranks have grown so dramatically because Big Blue’s framing of SOA is consistent with efforts to destroy computing silos, support unified communications and link IT development efforts more closely with overall business objectives.

  • Investor’s Business Daily – May 15, 2007

    Excerpt: “The combined company will cover all of the major device manufacturers, portable operating systems and a good deal of the carriers themselves around the globe,” said Dan Miller, an analyst with Opus Research. “It’s going to be an accelerant… Read More ›

  • Red Herring – May 15, 2007

    Excerpt: A report by Opus Research forecasts that total spending by carriers, device makers, subscribers, and advertisers on mobile search will grow from $4 billion in 2006 to $7.5 billion in 2010. Customers of the combined company will include handset… Read More ›

  • Nuance with VoiceSignal: Hands-Free Leader in Speech-Enabled Mobile Search

    The heated rivalry between two market leaders in embedded speech processing ended today when Nuance Communications acquired VoiceSignal for cash and stock valued at $293 million. Using its acquisition of Dictaphone as a model, Nuance seizes an opportunity to accelerate market share and technology leadership in a fast-growing market area, resulting in a $55+ million boost to its top-line revenue next fiscal year.

  • Ars Technica – May 13, 2007

    Excerpt: Summerfield spoke recently at the Voice Biometrics Conference in Washington, DC, an event organized by Opus Research and billed as the “first voice biometrics conference in the world,” and Ars was there to bring back a front-line report on… Read More ›

  • Speech-Enabled Mobile Search: Delivery Models for Information, Entertainment and Services

    This report explores the evolution and transition from “traditional” wireless directory assistance (DA), where the revenue is supplied by consumers on a pay-per-use basis, to a “free,” potentially ad-supported model we’re calling speech-enabled mobile search (SEMS). In 2006, wireless carriers, device makers, mobile subscribers and advertisers combined to spend more than $4 billion on resources that used spoken words to extend the ability to search onto mobile devices. By 2010, that dollar value will exceed $7.5 billion.

  • Voice Biometrics Conference Takes on Growth and Challenges

    High-profile implementations, like VoicePay (in the U.K.) and Bell Canada’s Voice Identification Service, signal a new era for voice biometrics technologies. Success in the near term is pegged on high levels of convenience and security for customer-facing applications. Long-term success will be linked to establishing spoken passwords as a highly trusted way to leverage existing infrastructure for securing Web-, mobile- and phone-based commerce.

  • Boston Globe – April 26, 2007

    Excerpt: To date, mobile voice-enabled search has been restricted almost entirely to basic directory assistance — a business worth about $4.1 billion a year, according to Dan Miller , senior analyst at Opus Research in San Francisco. , Miller projects… Read More ›

  • Analytics and Reporting for Phone-Based Self-Service

    With the sharp public eye on customer satisfaction, businesses need better and faster ways to tune phone self-service resources. A new generation of monitoring and reporting systems supports closer links to business intelligence and analytics. Determining suitability of new solutions hinges on compatibility with existing performance management resources, flexibility for accommodating multiple constituencies within the enterprise and out-of-the box capabilities, in terms of providing pre-formatted reports.

  • Investor’s Business Daily – April 16, 2007

    Excerpt: The mobile search market has become the latest battlefield for Web search rivals Microsoft and Google, (GOOG) which recently launched a mobile search service called Google Local Voice Search. “It’s definitely heating up,” said Dan Miller, an analyst with… Read More ›