Recent Posts - page 160

  • Get Ready for “Vox Ex Machina”

    The Latin phrase “deus ex machina” refers to an unlikely force or unexpected character that intervenes to make things better for the main character in a book, film or play. This is the plot device used in H.G. Wells’ War… Read More ›

  • TMCnet – December 20, 2007

    Excerpt: “What we’re looking for,” said Opus Research founder and senior analyst Dan Miller, “is a closer integration of the speech application with the call-routing application and linkage to the business logic that supports the goals of CRM.” From the… Read More ›

  • Washington Post – December 11, 2007

    Excerpt: Microsoft trails its biggest competitors in the PC-based online advertising market in bringing ads to mobile users, but its late start may not have any significant effect. “AOL and Yahoo have previously introduced display ads, but the mobile user… Read More ›

  • CIO Today – December 11, 2007

    Excerpt: “Opus Research’s LocalMobileSearch program,” Sterling pointed out, “forecasts that there will be roughly $5 billion in mobile ad revenues in North America and Western Europe by 2012.” “Microsoft competitors, Yahoo and AOL, currently offer display advertising in mobile,” Sterling… Read More ›

  • SoundAccess Marks Acxiom’s Entry into Voice Authentication

    It is good news for the voice authentication community when a billion-dollar leader in the customer data integration industry adds voice biometrics to its product line. With Acxiom joining VoiceVerified to offer the SoundAccess caller authentication, a significant presence in data integration for financial services companies joins the voice authentication community.

  • Ford Sync: Automated Speech in the Driver’s Seat

    The high profile advertising campaign for the SYNC is having its effect. For the first time in 12 months, Ford’s unit sales had a modest increase. More importantly, SYNC demonstrates that multivendor solutions (meaning Microsoft and Nuance) are more than viable in the automotive vertical.

  • Verizon Wireless Opens Up to Larger Possibilities

    Mobile America will be subject to a “Coke-versus-Pepsi” like battle pitting a newly “open” Verizon Wireless against the locked-down AT&T Mobility/iPhone combo. Last week, Verizon Wireless reversed its hard-line stance against “open access” to its network. Creating terms for certifying third-party applications, devices and software amounts to a radical change in its business model. Or does it?

  • Securing the Future of Voice Biometrics

    With more than 150 people in attendance at Voice Biometrics Conference London, Nov. 28-29, top vendors and implementers of voice biometric-based authentication and identification solutions defined future products, services and positioning. Recent security breaches militate toward broader deployment of voice biometrics, as does the growth of mobile commerce. Thus, the dialogue will continue between buyers, prospects and solutions providers.

  • Nortel’s Multivendor Survival Strategy: Courting Both IBM and Microsoft

    Unified communications calls for traditional routing technology providers to integrate with the top providers of collaboration and Web-services middleware. Thus it is of necessity that Nortel (and its peers) continue to interoperate with both Microsoft and IBM, the leading purveyors of middleware and collaboration software.

  • Mobile Advertising Revenue Forecast: North America and Western Europe, 2007-2012

    Mobile phones are poised to serve as a new, geo-targeted, highly social media that provide their owners with a means to find out the people, places and products of interest locally. In this document, Local Mobile Search provides planning assumptions to support business development and product definitions that are in line with reasonable revenue expectations.