It was gratifying to note that three members of the voice biometrics community made significant additions to their offerings in the past week.
Voxeo LBS Adds Location-Awareness to its Prophecy IVR Applications Arsenal
Voxeo has introduced a new service that enables IVR applications to be “location aware.”
Spanlink and Convergys Partner to offer Cisco’s Collaboration Infrastructure “in the Cloud”
Spanlink and Convergys are joining forces to offer a comprehensive set of contact center solutions that leverage Cisco’s Customer Collaboration software, instantiated in Convergys’ cloud.
Virtual Hold Technologies, Now VHT, Focuses on “Finishing the Conversation”
Last week, we were briefed by VHT (the new brand Virtual Hold Technologies), which will be rolling out a new flagship platform, the Conversation Bridge.
New Report: The 10 Rules to Promote Conversational Commerce
Quality customer care is at a crossroads. It is quite possible that all the investment in “Big Data” and analytics can crowd out genuine conversations between customer care professionals and their customers. At the same time, the growth of social networks, especially on always-on mobile devices threaten to make marketing messages and branding efforts irrelevant. This short document provides 10 rules for engaging customers more effectively.
Webcast Retrospective: Real World Use Cases for Voice Biometrics in the Cloud
With stepped up online and mobile commerce, exposure to Identity Fraud is on the rise. Join Opus Research, Voice Biometrics Group and Voxeo to learn how voice biometric-based solutions can help individuals counteract that trend. In this Webcast, we’ll discuss:… Read More ›
Talking up Voice at SxSW
At “South by” I was invited to comment on the role of voice in social business for a video that IBM’s DeveloperWorks orchestrated.
Misunderestimating Siri
Siri has become the benchmark against which competing mobile speech applications wish to be measured.
Varolii Partners with Spoken to Support More Inbound Interactions
Varolii, a 13 year-old company that is the product of a merger between Par3 communications and EnvoyWorldWide), has added to more inbound services to its portfolio through a partnership with contact center productivity specialist Spoken Communications.
[24]7 Inc. Merges Microsoft’s Tellme and Voxify Assets into Cloud-based Self-service Offering
Microsoft’s quest for an acquiring company that will do justice to the legacy of Tellme Networks, referred to as its “interactive self-service assets” in this press release, has resulted in the formation of [24]7 Inc. The new company absorbs roughly… Read More ›