Nuance redefines resources, support structure and rules of engagement to expand revenue opportunities for long-time platform providers (like Avaya, Genesys, Huawei and Cisco) and their “sub-channels” (meaning their network of resellers).
Consolidation Chronicles: IVONA Goes to Amazon’s acquisition of text-to-speech specialist IVONA marks progress along two separate paths for Conversational Commerce.
[24]7 Intros the Next Generation of Chat and Announces first Customers
Promising “step-function” improvement in both revenues and customer satisfaction, customer care outsourcer [24]7 has introduced [24]7 Assist, a new Web-based chat platform that leverages the company’s long-term investment in “Big Data”, analytics and decisioning resources.
Research Report: How “Friction-Free” Care Can Bolster the Bottom Line
Centers, especially IVRs, are too often seen as friction points interfering with direct contact with live agents. In this document we describe how well-designed IVR applications coupled with ongoing, formal programs for Continuous Improvement (CI) improve customer satisfaction and ensure positive business outcomes.
NICE Systems Makes Voice Biometrics A Key Component of Contact Center Fraud Prevention
NICE Systems’ newly launched Contact Center Fraud Prevention solution demonstrates the effectiveness of a multilayered, context-aware approach to phone-based security.
Nuance’s Acquisition of VirtuOZ Signals Growth for Mobile Personal Virtual Assistants
Nuance has reportedly acquired one of the leaders in the Web-based virtual assistant business, VirtuOZ.
News from CES2013: Ford’s SYNC “Reads” News From USA Today, Powered by XTone’s Xavi
Ford Motor Company’s SYNC-AppLink adds a news reader based on content from USA Today, “powered by XTone’s Xavi(TM) voice assistant platform”.
Nuance Promotes Natural Interfaces at Lackluster CES
Nuance Communications took a three-pronged promotional strategy to CES.
From CES: Voxeo Labs’ Tropo Powers AT&T Call Management API
Call Management API “powered by [Voxeo Labs’] Tropo” voice and text application management platform. That makes AT&T the second major public network operator to embed the Tropo into their service development and delivery networks.
Kurzweil’s Move to Google Will Accelerate More Human-like (and Humanistic) Virtual Agents
Natural language processing and understanding has long been the yardstick for measuring the human-like qualities of computers, so it is no surprise that Kurzweil, in his capacity as Director of Engineering, will reportedly focus on machine-learning and language-processing projects.