“Satisficing” has long been the unspoken business imperative of the speech processing community.
Google Buzz is Mobile Advertiser Friendly But Developer Unfriendly
Google debuted its new “Buzz” today, positioning it both as a service enhancement for the 150 million users of Gmail, and as a social networking extension to mobile subscribers with a gmail account.
Talking Voice Biometrics with Voxeo
In a series of video interviews, Voxeo’s Dan York chats with some of the leading providers of voice biometrics technology. York includes conversations with Bill Morrow, Chairman and CEO of CSIdentity; Peter Soufleris, Founder and CEO of Vocalect; Ariel Freidenberg,… Read More ›
Siri Debuts on iPhone: Speech-based Virtual Personal Assistant
Today the App Store in Apple’s iTunes site begins distributing Siri, a new app that transforms the iPhone into a “virtual personal assistant.”
Cisco Previews Its Mobile UC Approach
There is no question that “unified communications” and “collaboration” are destined to have a mobile component.
Google Solutions Marketplace Is Already An Exemplary Partner Site
Leave it to Google to launch an online resource for its third-party application providers that is clean, easy-to-use and informative.
Genesys-Alcatel/Lucent Offer “No Name” Developer Resources
The main issue that both Genesys and Alcatel-Lucent was how the combined company will support third-parties.
VoIP over 3G on the iPhone: It’s a Matter of Policy
Take heart Skype, Fring, Truphone and all other IP-Telephony service providers. Apple (and I assume AT&T) have finally approved a VoIP-over-3G application for the iPhone, iPod Touch and, yes, the iPad.
Apple’s Tablet, an Empty Slate, Will Be Huge!
Nature abhors a vacuum. Application developers, on the other hand, stand ready to revel in it as the Apple tablet (whatever the trade name) is getting ready for its close-up.
Google Voice Offered Through Mobile Browsers to iPhone and Palms
TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld reported that Google is about to launch a mobile Web site that extends the capabilities of Google Voice to the Apple iPhone and Palm Pre/Pixi. While he calls it an “end run” around Apple’s governance of the… Read More ›