When Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg introduced the notion of an “open social graph” at F8, he unintentionally launched the single, largest backlash against social networking’s threat to personal privacy.
Bing Mobile Turns to Tellme for Spoken Driving Directions
In a blog post, Microsoft’s Justin Jed highlights two new features that ship with the latest version of the Bing App for Mobile.
GM = Google Motors?
After Ford showcased the full spectrum voice-enabled SYNC services on a sub-$16K Fiesta, GM appears prepared to counter with a broad variety of wireless mobile apps offered in conjunction with Google.
Nokia’s “Own Voice for OVI Maps”: YouTube for Driving Directions?
Mobile phones are the most personal of communications devices. A person’s voice is one of the most personal of communications modes. Put them together and you may create the foundation for a new family of Mo’ Personal Navigation Devices (MPNDs?)
IBM’s Acquisition Reinforces Commitment to Expand “The Cloud”
IBM completed acquisition of Cast Iron Systems, a “cloud computing specialists” with 75 employees and customers that include Allianz, NEC, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Dow Jones and others.
Apple’s Actions Reinforce Momentum Toward Recombinant Communications in Customer Care
Apple appears to be doing everything it can to accelerate the demise of the PC as we know it, and I say “go for it!”
Suspense is Over: HP Buys Palm for $1.2 billion
The self-described largest IT company in the world is getting into the mobile phone business as HP agrees to buy Palm Inc. in a deal valued at $1.2 billion.
If True, Apple’s Purchase of Siri Heralds New Age of “Virtual Assistance”
Today on Twitter [I’ve always wanted to start a column like that] Robert Scoble (@scobleizer) surmised that Apple Computer has acquired Siri.
As Promised: Promptu Debuts on Android
Today, according to several “unofficial tallies”, the Android marketplace has exceeded 50,000 applications. According to this official announcement from mobile speech specialist Promptu, its flagship product is among them.
RIM Reinforces Relevance With New MVS Offer
One of the most important offers from RIM is a retooled Voice over WiFi package called BlackBerry Mobile Voice System 5 (MVS 5).