Avaya displays some very deft touches as it launched the next phases in its efforts to support transformational efforts of its enterprise contact center customers and prospects.
RackSpace Meets Apache (and promotes NASA)
Now that we’re well into the second year of Scobleizer’s affiliation with the Web hoster, the time is ripe for RackSpace to take a giant step to differentiate itself from a formidable pack of competitors that includes Amazon Web Services, VMWare, Microsoft’s Azure and Google.
Action in the Mobile Voice Front
Mobile voice technology providers Apple, Vlingo and Nuance took actions that, to varying degrees, turn up the heat in the world of mobile voice.
Smartphone Providers Seek Mobile “Mo”
A series of posts by Greg Sterling on the Internet2Go site reflect that solutions providers are accelerating the pace at which they bring their technologies to market.
Programmable Web Shows How NYTimes Uses API’s
It may be a bit too “Inside Baseball”, but I can’t resist pointing to this post by Adam DuVander from Alcatel-Lucent’s latest acquisition, Programmable Web.
Summer of Recombinant Communications
Dan Miller, senior analyst with Opus Research, was recently invited to speak at the SF Telephony Meetup sponsored by Orange Labs. In his talk, posted below, Miller explains how solutions built on broadband IP, Web standards and well-defined APIs are… Read More ›
Microsoft’s Hawaii Project: Leveraging Its Cloud for Mobile
Last Friday, Microsoft Maven Mary-Jo Foley issued this report providing a few details about Microsoft’s initiatives to marry its cloud-based resources with application development efforts involving Windows Mobile.
Google Lab’s “App Inventor” is Unvarnished RC
Over on Internet2Go.net, Greg Sterling provides great background and commentary regarding anew service from Google Labs called “App Inventor”.
Baidu Staffing up for Automated Voice Search
Baidu, the giant search provider in China, has published hiring specifications for a full staff of speech recognition specialists.
Speech Luminaries Offering “Optimization as a Service”
Some long-time specialists in voice applications, voice self-service and interactive voice response (IVR) have launched a new Web-based service called VUI Cloud.