An Israeli firm called Nuiti now offers a “platform” for Web site operators and Web developers to offer hands-free, “natural user interface” for their resources.
Hey, It’s All Pattern Recognition: TTS, QR Codes and Mobile Devices Simplify Museum Tours
Public museums in Bologna, Italy, are launching a novel way to initiate audio tours.
West’s Acquisition of Smoothstone Adds an Interesting Mobile Twist
West Corporation continues to pursue its transformation-through-acquisition strategy with a $120 million purchase of Smoothstone IP Communications.
NAB Provided Update of Caller Authentication at Voice Leadership Forum in Sydney
Tim Andrew, general manager for ATMs and self-service at National Australia Bank, delivered the latest insights on the bank’s real world experience with biometric authentication.
The New FCC Web Site is Much More Conversational
The FCC has made great strides toward making its information and resources accessible to the public at large.
Alcatel-Lucent Preparing to Sell Enterprise Business Unit; But Why?
Alcatel-Lucent has hired advisers to find companies that will acquire its Enterprise Business Unit. This part of the business sells office telephones, PBXs and network gear but, most importantly from Opus Research’s point-of-view, it is where Genesys Labs has come home to roost.
VoiceBox – With Assist from SVOX – Simplifies Spoken Destination Entry on TomTom PNDs
Newly released versions of TomTom personal navigation devices (meaning the GO 2435, GO 2535 and GO LIVE 2535) as well as the VIA Series will enable their owners to use “natural language” to input destination.
Speech Rec Could “Go Viral” with Android
Google, under the guidance of Mike Cohen, is going to make sure that speech recognition is one of the input options for every activity through an Android-based device or any device running a Chrome-based browser.
The SugarCon Connection: Conversational Commerce Meets Classic CRM
Doc Searls, Drummond Reed and I participated in the closing keynote and panel at Sugarcon 2011, which is SugarCRM’s annual customer and developer conference.
“The Beeb” Documents Threats to Mobile Phones
The messaging around the world “going mobile, social and local” has not been lost on the criminal element that preys on vulnerabilities in commonly used e-commerce and communications systems.