In a move that reflects overall momentum of enterprise information infrastructure into “The Cloud”, USAirways has launched a new speech-enabled IVR and call steering resources to Nuance On Demand.
The Debut of Speech-Enabled Teletext
“UK teletext specialist SysMedia launches new subtitling software.”
West Interactive Adds an On-Premises, Managed Services Option
Recognizing that new customer engagement models engender increased complexity, West Interactive has rounded out its IVR offerings by adding a premises-based, managed service option.
Avaya Updates Its Suite of Experience Management Software
xactly one year after its ambitious set of announcements of transformational technologies for contact centers, Avaya has formally rolled out upgrades to the Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) suite aimed to help its customers handle unprecedented amounts of contextual information that accompanies customer conversations.
Siemens Enterprise Puts Emphasis on HD Voice
Siemens Enterprise Communication’s quest for differentiation has taken it squarely into the realm of HD Voice.
Webcast: Transforming Customer Engagement to Positive Customer Advocacy
Opus Research’s Dan Miller will introduce and moderate a presentation by Jennifer Rufati, Head of Customer Operations Customer Service Centres at Australia’s Westpac Bank.
Hot Off the Virtual Press, “Rethinking Customer Service: The Call Center as Corporate Information Hub” has issued a report entitled “Rethinking Customer Service: The Call Center as Information Hub.” I contribute a section about new roles for Customer Service Reps (CSRs) in support of Conversational Commerce.
Two Vendor Studies Breed Introspection for Multimodal Contact Center Operators
In June both Interactions Inc. and Dimension Data issued results of a survey survey work that collectively portray the challenges confronting modern contact center operators.
Raising the Profile of Voice Biometrics for Fraud Prevention and Trusted Mobile Commerce
Over on Opus Researches Voice Biocon Web site, I’ve been logging a number of stories surrounding the global growth of voice biometric technologies as part of multi-factor authentication practices to prevent fraud for commercial banks, investment companies, card issuers and government agencies.
Sberbank’s “Lie Detecting” ATM May be the Ultimate “Onboarding” Kiosk
Reaction to the alleged “Lie Detecting ATMs” being tested by Russia’s largest commercial bank, Sberbank, gives an eerie preview to the public’s acceptance of self-service kiosks in the future.